Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Which degrees may be accredited by ACCGC?
    Associate degrees and Bachelor’s degrees may be accredited, and ACCGC defines the discipline of Graphic Communications quite broadly. Degrees in Digital Media, Graphic Communication Management, Packaging, Graphic Design (with a vocational-technical degree focus), and Website Media are all appropriate foci.
  2. How much does ACCGC Accreditation cost?
    Associate degree programs pay an annual fee of $1200.00 during the 6-year accreditation period. The annual fee is $2000 for Bachelor’s degrees. Initially, there is a $200.00 non-refundable application fee, and for schools being accredited the visiting team travel expenses must be covered.
  3. Does ACCGC require that we teach specific content within our program?
    ACCGC standards require that accredited programs meet broad, high-level student learning outcomes. These SLOs can be met in a variety of ways by different programs. General education requirements are not prescribed. ACCGC standards require accredited programs measure SLOs and have a plan for continuous improvement.
  4. Is any help provided in the self-study process after we apply for ACCGC accreditation?
    Yes, an experienced mentor is assigned to answer questions as the self-study is developed.
  5. How long does the process take before our program can be accredited by ACCGC?
    Most commonly two academic years, with the self-study preparation completed the first year. The ACCGC team visit, reports of recommendations and conclusions, and Board of Directors vote to accredit or not accredit are accomplished the 2nd year.
  6. What is the length of accreditation?
    A full accreditation is for a six-year period. A two-year accreditation may be given in some cases, with a follow-up in the second year to assure full compliance with standards, where upon the remaining four years of accreditation are granted.
  7. When does the accrediting process being each year?
    The application and accrediting process can begin at anytime. However, when the process is complete, accreditation is awarded on September 1 and runs through August 31 for each year accredited.
  8. Who serves on the three-member ACCGC site-visitation team?
    Two graphic communications educators matched for degree level and content familiarity, and one graphic communications business/industry representative.